Nami Island - Part 2

by - 1:33 PM

This is a continuation from my previous Nami Island entry.  I follow the map route to make sure I didn't miss any spot in Nami.

Free map and brochure are available at the Ministry of Tourism, Naminara Tourist Center 

In order to keep Naminara clean, they made these decorations using recycled materials left behind by the visitors.

Poem by General Nami. Anyone can read Hangul?
General Nami's tomb is up ahead

Soju First Kiss Bridge
Tempted to rent this cutie things but Dina wants a bike instead  

Winter Sonata First Kiss

Yeayy we finally rented 2 bikes because the island was pretty big for us to cover with quite limited time.  Since I don't know how to ride, we got a 1 seater bike for Dina and a 2 seaters bike for me and Ina.

Pose with our pink bike

The toilet
Performance by local talents. They were actually very good 
Red bean paste pau
This was the actually scene shots for Winter Sonata
Yoo Jin and Jung Sang!! I'm too short
Still can't figure out what was that. Seaweed? Tea?
This was fried fish. Did you see the eggs? It was surprisingly delicious!!
Yummy for tummy 
Traditional rice cake in the making
Dina learned how to make a pottery
Time to bid farewell.. Hope that I can visit you again Naminara!!
I wish we had more time to spend here, 11.00 am - 4.00pm seems not enough for me.  There were lot of things to see and to do in Nami and I personally thinks that we don't have sufficient time exploring.  We need to catch the shuttle bus back to Seoul at 4.00 pm so we left Naminara at 3.45pm.

You can read Nami Island - Part 1  here

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